I was going to call this post Mrs McGregor's Garden but when I shared these cookies at school yesterday the overwhelming comment was... "that's the best tasting soil I've ever eaten!" Which kind of makes me wonder if my work mates have unusual eating habits LOL
As we all know... Mr McGregor... from Peter Rabbit... is the enemy of Peter Rabbit and his friends, he
hates that the three always break into his garden and steal/eat his
fruits and vegetables from his farm garden.
There are a few mentions of Mrs McGregor... mostly the mention of her putting Peter's father... Mr Rabbit... in a pie and eating him. I prefer to think of her as a lovely woman who decided to collaborate with the rabbits... planting carrots and lettuces for them and they, in turn, not eating her flowers.
You might be wondering where this is all heading... so best I explain. You might recall that last month I entered a cookie challenge with Kuki Reka Kani. I'm absolutely thrilled to tell you that I won two awards for my cookies: Technical excellence and Star Baker of the Month :)
When they announced the March prompt I was definitely keen to give it another go!
As you might have guessed 'Veggie Patch' was what caught my eye! I tend to be a bit of a ponderer... I like to think about ideas, put things together in my own mind... and then work out what I'm going to do. Most of the time I've already 'finished' my design before I actually start to bake... and this one kind of went that way.
I started off by reading through the creative ideas provided with the challenge... and that helped a LOT
So without any more procrastinating... here's what I came up with:
I ended up doing eight cookies that are the 'same but different' and I'll share them at the end of the post. So if you don't want to see the 'how to' then feel free to skip ahead.
My first decision was what flavour of cookie to make... and after a bit of Googling I found a recipe for Pumpkin Spice cookies. There's no actual pumpkin in the recipe but it incorporates the spices used to make pumpkin pie.
I also had to decide which cutter to use and I chose
Pikorua (double twist)... mostly because when I lay it on it's side it felt the most 'garden like'.
I have found that the secret to using these cutters is LOTS of flour sprinkled on the dough before cutting... it helps the cutter release from the dough... and then I just gently brush off the excess flour before baking.
Once I had all the cookies on the tray I popped them in the fridge for about 20 minutes... definitely helps them to not spread out while baking.
Ready for the oven |
While the cookies were baking the kitchen smelt like a combination of ANZAC cookies, hot cross buns... and warm apple crumble. It was a wonderful combo and I'll definitely use the recipe again.
Then it was time to move on to all the decorations. I had a wonderful fondant mould to make all the little garden supplies... gumboots.. watering can... pots... fork and trowel. I also had a different mould that made little carrots... so happy with how they all turned out. The little flowers were some I bought at the supermarket... super cute and perfectly sized for what I needed.
Then I needed some 'soil'. YouTube came to my rescue and I found a couple of tutorials and then just adapted what suited me. I ended up using Oreo cookies with chocolate filling and some Arnott's Gaiety biscuits. I've never had those before but they are DELICIOUS! The recipes I looked at also combined chocolate chips but in the end I didn't use them for the soil.
Basically I put some of each cookie into a plastic bag and bashed the heck out of them with my rolling pin... ever so carefully of course! The resulting soil looked more like 'rubble' so I quickly pulsed them in my handy dandy mini processor and got EXACTLY what I was hoping for!
Left is 'rubble'... right is 'soil' |
While I'd been YouTube(ing) I'd come across some tutorials for making 'moss'. I didn't need moss but I thought it looked a bit like fancy lettuce... which of course the bunnies would LOVE.
I whisked up my mixture and added some bright green colour. I actually had to do my mixture twice because the first time I added Colour Mill oil colours without even thinking and all my lovely thick airy batter turned into very thin soupy mess. I MUST remember that oil and fluffy egg whites do NOT go together!
I put 1/3 in a cup... added a different green and did 1/3 in another cup... and then a bit more colour and put the rest in another cup. Cooked it in the microwave and then turned them upside down to 'set'. The science behind the upside down part is that the sugar sets creating lovely big air pockets and if you left it up the right way you would get flat little pancakes.
The lightest colour turned out to be EXACTLY what I was looking for!
The final part was to use the cast aside chocolate chips... I say that like I would EVER cast aside chocolate LOL I made some chocolate ganache for everything to stick to... plus it was the right colour and texture for what I wanted.
I got everything assembled and ready to create!
Then I just let myself go... I really didn't think about it too much. I did make sure that I spread out all my fondant decorations so there wasn't one cookie with too much and others with nothing... but apart from that I just created for fun.
Here's my finished cookies:
The completed cookies went to school on Monday... and none of them made it past 9am!
So what did I learn during this challenge?
- Making 'moss' is super fun... pink and purple moss would make wonderful coral for an underwater theme!
- Cookie soil looks great as rubble and as soil... and it would be perfect for adding to the top of Easter cookies and cupcakes
- Pumpkin spice cookies are really delicious!
- Giving myself time to create and just 'play' is really fun
So there you have it... another month in 2025 almost over and another challenge completed.
Thanks for stopping by my little corner of the universe :)