Saturday, 19 May 2007

Altered Hanger

I've been looking for a way to display some of my finished layouts before they get put into an album and came up with this :) They're made from trouser hangers and then decorated with paper, sanding, inking and embellished with ribbon and flowers. So pretty and also useful :)


  1. This is a great idea, and I love that you can alter it to suit your themes/tastes!

  2. Shell well done for scrapping your childhood pics, the photos are sooo cute and I love the layout...good luck.

    Oh and by the way what a great idea for showing off your layouts...I must get me one of just completed layouts usually sit around on my desk in danger of being 'got' by my nearly 2 year old...hanging it up would definately solve the prob!

  3. This is so cute Shell!! Great idea!

  4. hey this looks fantastic.......gotta get me some!!

  5. beautiful - will be stalking the red shed down here now!

  6. FABULOUS idea!! I get so many good ideas from you, Shell! When I've finished a layout I leave it lying on my desk for a while because I like to look at it before filing in my album. So a hanger would be a great thing to have.


Hi :) If you want to comment I'd love to hear from you.
Shelley xx