Monday, 23 July 2007

Parties, Scrapping and the Ultimate Scrapbooker Competion!

I'm definately getting better at updating regularly now... the diary reminders are really helping :)

First of all a big thank you to Hannah and Mrs Frizz (aka Michelle) for your comments on my blog. Glad you like the projects and would love to see your take on them :)

On Saturday my nephew had his 5th birthday (can't believe he's 5 already!). He really wanted a pirate party and his Mama obliged. She got busy and made the coolest invitations and loot bags for all the kids!!! And then there was the cake - complete with Captain Jack Sparrow!... way to go Sis!!!

On Sunday it was off to hockey for Miss 12 and then I finally managed to get some time in my scrap room. I did a LO for the July Challenge at Scrapbook Essentials. The theme was birthdays and I had some great cake photos of Miss 12's last birthday... and there's still 3 months to go before she turns 13 so I'm doing well!!! LOL

Miss 12 LOVES her LO... especially since she got to choose the stamp for the centre of the flower! I definitely earned myself some brownie points for that one :)

And for all you scrappers out there... Meg from Scrapbook Essentials has just announced a brand new competition... Scrapbookings Ultimate Champion!!! There's over $250 worth of prizes to be won and you need to register by 31st July. The challenges begin on the 1st of August and run for 7 weeks.... so why not give it a go!!!


  1. That cake is cool!! The "Jack" is not icing is it?? Is it a figurine? My son has one and it looks just the same. But what a fun cake!!

    I'm excited about the comp at SE ... and I have to say the list of participants reads like the list of most fabulous scrappers in the country!!! A whole lotta talent there! It's going to be so much fun :-)

  2. Awesome layout ...

    That cake is super-licious and the pirate not too bad either - lol.


Hi :) If you want to comment I'd love to hear from you.
Shelley xx