Tuesday, 10 July 2007

Where has the time gone???

The last couple of weeks... ok it's a bit longer than that... have just flown by! I saw Yolande on the weekend and nagged at her to get her blog up to date (which she has!!!) all the while knowing that mine needed some serious attention as well!

Ok here goes... I've been REALLY busy and creative and done quite a lot of scrapping lately. Just lucky that I've already taken the photos LOL
I'll start with LO's first: All of these LO's were for SBO challenges. The first challenge was to use a real estate billboard to inspire a layout and this is my take on it. This was quite a fun challenge and gave me the opportunity to do another layout for my home album.

The next LO was for the June monthly challenge. To scrap some winter photos... and my DD (12) provided the perfect photo opportunity. These photos were taken during her B.O.P. hockey trials... taken VERY early in the morning for 3 SUNDAYS in a row... in other words no sleep ins for me!! The good news is that it was all worth it when she found out that she'd made it into the development team! GO Mikayla!!!

The third LO challenge was provided by Nic Howard. Just LOVE her work!!! Anyway, Nic provided us with a sketch to use and the winner receives a copy of Nic's book... how could I NOT enter that one??? So here's my LO which is all about my DD's (15) best friend Holly.

Really enjoyed doing this LO and gave me an opportunity to use LOTS of flowers. Just love the colours and can't wait to show Miss Holly!!
Right that's it for now... will be back to upload some more later... promise :)


  1. Yeah thanks for the nag! Great to see your layouts - must take some pics of mine to upload! Love love that flower one of miss holly - totally gorgeous colours - scrumptious! Was great to see you on Saturday... definately need to catch up more!

  2. Just love the layouts especially the moving one...we are moving in just over 2 weeks so might have to scrap jack you if you don't mind. I am on the SE forum as well.

    Just reading your journalling on your Moving layout and see that you used to live in katikati...My folks have lived there for the past 10 years. They retired down there.


Hi :) If you want to comment I'd love to hear from you.
Shelley xx