Friday, 4 January 2008

Happy New Year :)

Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and fabulous New Year! We celebrated New Years camping down in Taranaki and came home with lovely new tans :)

When we got back I had a lovely surprise - one of my lilies decided to flower! I bought a couple of red lilies for my house warming last year and unfortunately both of their stems got broken during the housewarming so we didn't get to enjoy them for very long but... this one has flowered... seriously love this colour - although it's much darker in real life!

Now to share a couple of layouts that I did prior to Christmas. The first one was for a Kiwi Christmas theme. I got out the glitter for the hat and used a wooden tractor embellishment which I painted.This second layout is a big of a favourite with me at the moment. The photo is of Miss Krystal (15) on her first Christmas. She was 7 months old and I made her little dress including cross-stitching the top with bunnies. She looked gorgeous in pink!We're all totally enjoying the lovely summer weather at the moment and making plans for what we want to achieve this year. I've decided that I'm not going to set myself any resolutions this year. I usually start off with extremely high ideals which crash and burn (usually by the end of January!) so this year I've adopted an idea to have a motto instead and mine is... Keep it Simple! 2007 had a lot of stress and looking back on it much of it was self-created so this year my aim is to concentrate on the 'simple' things because they're actually the things that make me happy. I'm thinking about making myself some sort of journal so that I can check on my progress through the year and hopefully that will help me stay on track as well.

I've also managed to finish Emily Falconbridge's Deck of Me challenge so if you'd like to have a look at what I've done check out my other blog... and comments are always nice too! It's been a really great project to work on and the prompts have been lots of fun. She's going to set another challenge for this year so I'm looking forward to seeing what she comes up with.

In the meantime I'm really keen to get some home improvements done and Krystal and I have got a really cool project happening here next week so make sure you come back to see what we've been up to... I'm think I might do a post every day of the project so you can see how it all progresses... but no clues for now LOL Have a great weekend!


  1. Happy New Year!!
    What a gorgeous lily - I love it!

  2. WOW I love the layouts and good on you for finished all of Emily's cards, I am getting there sigh LOL I can't wait to see the next challenge too and I am very curious to see what you are going to be up to???? Hmmmm.......will def be keeping an eye on you LOL

    Have a cool weekend :)

  3. I want to lick your banner!

    Beautiful lily :)

    Great LOs too!

  4. LOL Penny, but she's right it looks yum yum yummy!
    Cool LO's and wow about the dress, you're so clever!


Hi :) If you want to comment I'd love to hear from you.
Shelley xx