Monday, 12 May 2008

Happy Mothers Day :)

To all the Mum's out there... I hope you all had a fantastic day!!! I certainly felt very spoilt yesterday :) Actually Mother's Day began for me on Thursday when Krystal said that she'd made me a present but that the suspense was killing her so could she give it to me.... and of course then I HAD to know what she'd made and here it is:

It was a bit emotional!!! She painted a 4 x 12 canvas and then added photos of her and her sister... some of these photos are OLD... there's even one when Mikayla was only a few days old! She's added an photos of them individually as well as photos together and it's just stunning! I'm going to hang it above my desk so that I can look at it regularly :)

Yesterday morning Krystal made everyone breakfast... pancakes with maple syrup and cream YUM!!! And while I was eating breakfast she passed me over another present (from both of them)... yep it was a total surprise! They'd bought me the DVD of Music and Lyrics as well as a box of Guylian chocolates :)

Then Krystal was off to work at Spotlight. This DD is growing up way to fast!!She's been wanting a 'specific' watch for quite a while now and she's finally bought herself all the bits and pieces she wanted (including a great little tool kit - might have to borrow that!) and made her own... it's that D.I.Y. attitude coming through again LOL Here's her finished watch:It's really gorgeous... this started off as a couple of bags of beads, some charms, 1metre of chain and the watch face. Unbelieveable how talented she is! I managed to get a couple more photos before she went to work... here's the side:And the back:And a closeup of the watch face:Her co-workers at Spotlight were really impressed and she said that she LOVES wearing it! During the day Dave and I went down to the local craft market for a bit of a look and then we came home to work on a jig saw puzzle... check out the concentration!!Mum has also been busy with her tags again! You might remember her pink and lace one she did... well she decided that it wasn't quite what she wanted and now she's done it in lavendar and lace and I have to admit that I REALLY like this one heaps more:She also made the tag for Nana (my great grandmother) and sent it to me... minus the story! She wanted to see if I could figure it out for myself... and I got most of it but there were parts of her story that I didn't know so now I can share the tag and the full story :)The parts I knew: Nana's favourite colours were soft pinks and greens, the dog represents her black lab she had when I was a little girl (Niggy was her best friend in the world and actually died trying to save her life). Everything Nana did she did with love - she was an incredible woman! She used to sew on an old singer sewing machine which one of my sisters inherited and it still works! The parts I didn't know: The tent (under the sewing machine) represents the tents Nana used to repair for the Ministry of Works... apparently Nana and Pa lived beside the M of W and Pa used to bring the tents home and Nana would fix them. Pa also used to catch fish and sell them and it was Nana's job to sling the nets out (with weights attached) and pull them in... then Pa would sell the fish and keep the money! Nana also mended fishing nets and Mum can remember coming home to seeing a fishing net slung up on the long clothesline and Nana doing repairs to it.

On a final note... I want to say a huge THANK YOU to all of you for your comments and support about Scrapbook Dreams! I've been totally blown away by all your support and encouragement! So far it's going really well... we're up to the 4th sneak peek and the final sneak will be shown tomorrow before the kit officially goes on sale on Wednesday. I'll let you know how it all goes :)


  1. What lovely Mother's Day presents! I love that movie ... "Pop goes my heart" ... the song is sooo catchy!

    The watch Krystal made is just gorgeous, she should start her own little business!

  2. Loved going to see that movie at the movies. Its a great choice. Love the canvas Krystal made, very cool. Now I lover her watch that is stunning!!! Did she have a design to work off or was it just something she put together in her head? either way its stunning, would love a watch like that. Amazing ideas she has and very very crafty!!

  3. Awesome work by Krystal and your mum Shell :)

  4. Awesome mothers day presents - gosh you are blessed!!

    Wow at that watch - wow!!

  5. Your daughter is soooo talented! What a beautiful watch

  6. Look I dont check in here for a day or two and you open a shop OMG OMG OMG I am soooooo excited for you that is sooooo cool!!!!!!!!

    I want to say so much stuff about what a talented bunch you are that I dont even have enough words, I love the canvas and Krystal's watch is just STUNNING!! and I love your mums tag, such a awesome idea I love it so much!!

  7. Wow some amazing mothersday pressies!
    Isnt your daughter ever so talented? I love love that watch!!! Supercool!
    And sure it must be in your family, lovely tags from your Mum also!
    Ok off to check out Scrapbook dreams now!

  8. Hey i'm loving the watch that Miss Krystal made wounder if she would sell them..........? She is as talented as her mum. I just had alook on your web site and and i can't stop talking about it. Wait till my Hubby gets home he isn't going to hear the end of it!!! Well done to you and Krystal!!!!

  9. Ohhhhh I love that photo canvas Krystal did for you Shell:) How perfectly delightful. That would make me soo emotional as well! You sweetheart Krystal..and the DVD is such a *fun* bonus treat! Love that movie, so funny:)

    What beautiful thoughtful girls you have Shell:)

  10. wow Krystal what a beauty love that watch hmmmm me thinks you could sell these.


Hi :) If you want to comment I'd love to hear from you.
Shelley xx