Hi there
When I first embarked on the 15:3:1 project this year I said that the '3' was for 3 hours on a Saturday morning doing something creative for myself.
I also said: I didn't want to 'lock' myself into sewing and quilting so I'm leaving
it open as 'something creative' that way I CAN do sewing or quilting but
I could also do cardmaking... or photography.... or trying out icing
nozzles making cupcakes... or my lastest thing... 3D printing!
Week 4's update might be pushing the 'something creative for myself' lines a bit but it WILL lead me to being able to get some more creative time in the future so I'm counting it as a win!
As you know, I have two wee fur babies now... Mr Alfie celebrated his first birthday just before Christmas... and Miss Zara is currently 5 1/2 months old. They are the best of friends... they play together... they snuggle together... (ps the red sofa is just for them... bargain on Marketplace!)
Such awkward poses
Let me on the sofa Alfie
Zara always seems to get her way with him!
Just as well they're good mates
AND they join forces as weapons of mass destruction!!
This was definitely a joint effort!
What do you mean, we can't come inside???
It turns out that BOTH of my fur babies think digging is a great thing! They have been digging holes and tunnels in their kennel for quite some time now!
Broom to show size reference
Broom inside the hole!
I was gobsmacked at how big.. deep... and wide the hole had become. Alfie could completely fit into the hole and not be seen from the house. I was also concerned that the hole might cave in with one of them inside it... so a plan was hatched to solve the problem.
The first bit was easy... fill in all the holes and even out the dirt:
Turned out that with some help the next bit wasn't too difficult either. First I removed one section of the canvas roof and we took the dog houses out... and while they were out I gave them a really good clean!
Then Auntie Jenn and Uncle Scott came to the rescue with electric saws and a very sturdy nail gun as well as a ute to collect the required materials and we got stuck into it!
Move the furniture and set up under cover in case it rains | |
Cut all the wood to length
Nail the boards to the joists
And repeat... and repeat... and repeat...
Hmmm this is different
Soooo happy with how it turned out
This is 'acceptable' Mumma
I think their favourite part of the day was all the snuggling and cuddles with Auntie Jenn!
The awkward sleeping poses haven't stopped... Zara was actually asleep in this position for nearly half an hour the other night!
That can't be comfortable!
So have I solved all the puppy digging and going into out of bound areas yet... ahhhh NOPE!
Hurry up Alfie... before Mumma comes!
I'm still hoping they will just grow out of it... but I think I might be waiting quite a while!
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Shelley xx