Sunday, 3 February 2008

Painting, painting and more painting!

We've been really busy here working on getting the fences up before school starts! We ended up doing very little D.I.Y. on Wednesday because it took so long getting stationery, school uniforms and groceries but it was well worth it. On Thursday Krystal had a half day at school attending her first assembly for the year and confirming her choices for NCEA. I still can't quite get over that she's up to that level already because it doesn't seem that long ago that I was in the 5th form myself LOL

While Krystal was at school, Dave and I carried on with getting more fences up. The fencing goes up pretty quickly... it's the painting that's taking a lot of time but it looks great when it's done! The new fence at the back was the first to get finished on both sides. The black capping really finishes it all off nicely:
As each section of the fence goes up it's painted on one side so then Krystal and I have to get two coats on the other side. Each time we put on a second coat we can't help but comment: "Doesn't it look cool with the second coat"... it's become a bit of a catch phrase!

Then Dave started on the side fence:And we get painting again LOL

We've become very good at making sure everything is ready to go... which involves making sure we get two coats of Charcoal on the capping while the Liquid Amber is drying! The capping is really making the fence stay straight as well :)

As soon as Krystal got home from school on Thursday she got into her painting gear and away she went:

She made the comment that she 'kind of missed' her painting clothes and on Friday I found out what she meant! Mikayla had her first day at high school on Friday and I had my teacher only day... I got dressed in my 'clean clothes' and went off to work and all day I felt funny because I've become so used to looking like a 'ragamuffin'... it was almost a relief to get back home and put on my painting clothes again LOL

We actually got HEAPS done on Friday afternoon and worked right up until 9pm again with awesome results:

Yesterday we carried on with the painting and Dave got the batons up for the front fence where the driveway is:

Then there was more capping to go on:And more painting to do:We also made our first real mistake and it's a doozy!!! We thought that the fibro would look good painted black... and it so DOESN'T! So now I have 10 litres of black paint that I'm not really going to use... EXPENSIVE!!! Yes Mum, I know I should have tried a test pot!!! We still haven't decided what we're going to do with the fibro but I'm sure we'll come up with something:We've been getting through the paint too... it's quite funny looking for which buckets are full and empty so we'll have to have a bit of a tidy up soon!We're having a bit of a quiet day today... just chilling out together because tomorrow the girls and I are back to school. I'm so pleased that it's daylight savings because it means that we can still make good progress each day... especially now that we're getting towards the end of the project :)

On a final note... Bon Voyage to Mum!!! Mum and Richard are heading off today on their much awaited cruise. She's going to miss the birth of her new grandbaby while she's away too! (Trac and Hau are expecting their third baby any day now!) Anyway they're going all around NZ and then over to Australia and she's been looking forward to it so much! I hope you have a great time and remember to text when you can!!


  1. Far out you have been so busy, what a fab team effort and what an awesome job you have all done. This deserves its own album. Gosh stunning work by all. Had a giggle about you all missing your painting clothes, that was so lovely to read. Well done to you all.Good luck with your new class this year, not that you will need it. Enjoy your day of chilling out.

  2. You are right - the capping looks great!

    Maybe someone would buy the paint from you?

  3. See, I knew when I came back from holiday you would have done HEAPS!! Wow, it's looking awesome!! Well done to all of you!

    Perhaps you could sell the paint on Trade Me?

  4. I think the fibro looks good black. But you would have to do around the whole house which would be a mission. Your fence looks awesome, Shell. You guys wanna redo my front fence? He he!

  5. No seriously, do ya?!

  6. Wow Shell, this looks awesome, what a great job you all have been doing! You must be so happy with your new fence and all!!!

  7. The painting is definetly worth it Shell, it looks great and I agree the capping is like the cherry on the top and finishes it off beautifully. Boy what a lot of fence though, just as well you guys are the super team ;p
    You definetely have to keep that T-shirt and frame it or something after you've finished it all!

  8. Shell - the fence looks awesome! I bet you have also really enjoyed having the quality time with your family as you work together towards a shared goal. I'm impressed at how you have stuck at it, with amazing results. Not like me - I started painting the deck a year ago and it's still only half done! Good luck for the year ahead - and like I said, any time you want ideas or resources for Maths just let me know.

  9. I am in ae of all you've done - well done to you all! Hope you had a good day today. Try to sell that paint on TradeMe


Hi :) If you want to comment I'd love to hear from you.
Shelley xx