Monday, 22 April 2019

I'm developing a taste...

...for coconut yoghurt.

Greetings from my little corner of the universe. I promised that my next post would be about coconut yoghurt and here it is.  I can almost hear my friend Nina say... are you seriously going to do a whole post about coconut yoghurt??? SERIOUSLY??? Yes Nina I am... come around and try some if you like :)

So first a little back track... I was diagnosed as being PRE diabetic about two years ago... nothing to worry about they said... the numbers will come down they said... just keep watching your sugar intake they said.  So what did I do?  NOTHING... after all it was 'nothing to worry about' right??

A year ago my numbers were checked again... they'd gotten higher... I was assigned a 'Diabetic Nurse'... say what???  Still 'not much' to worry about... although if you can make a few changes to what you are eating/drinking it will help.  So what did I do? NOTHING... yep I'm a bit of a 'put my head in the sand' if it means making changes I don't want to make. I know I'm not the only one who thinks like that... hopefully.

Actually the truth was I did worse than nothing... I kept doing EXACTLY what I'd been doing.  I kept eating chocolate in much larger quantities than I should... remember Michael was still here during that year and we were both a fiend for the peckish snack after having dinner.  I was also drinking copious amounts of Coke... no diet coke or coke zero for this girl!

Roll on another year and another catch up with my Diabetic Nurse and blood results.... ummm not going to lie... I got a HUGE wake up call!  My numbers were MUCH higher... I had to see the doctor... I was prescribed Metformin because clearly I wasn't managing my sugar intake on my own.  And then he said... this is still reversible IF you choose to take care of yourself.  This time I HEARD what he said.  Michael was in the process of walking out the door... and I knew there was never going to be a better time to put myself as a priority as right NOW.

So I've done some research... and made some significant changes.  I came to realise that I'm quite addicted to sugar... and carbs... and my portion control is pretty crap too.  So with the help of some good books like this one:

and this one:

along with some (read HOURS) of research online I'm starting to see some results... I've lost 5kgs so far... which is enough to keep me motivated and also tells me that I'm heading in the right direction.

One of the first realisations I had was that my consumption of Coke had to STOP.  My problem is that while I was drinking copious amounts of water I still wanted something for a change.  I don't drink tea or coffee... never have.  Fruit juice is too high in sugar as is most other things I found at the supermarket.  To be honest I missed the 'fizz' so I've opted for Coke NO SUGAR.

I'm sure there are some 'Food Police' out there who will say that it's still not good for me... and it contains preservatives... and there is caffeine in it... and I agree with you... BUT... this is about TRANSITION.  It actually took about 4-5 days before I could even like Coke No Sugar at all...  and my consumption of it is WAY less than the amount of Coke I was drinking before so that's a major improvement.

Best of all... as I've been weaning myself off the sugar my taste buds have started to come alive again.  I had a few blueberries with some coconut yoghurt last night for dessert and my goodness they tasted 'sweet'... blueberries haven't tasted like that for a LONG time!

My new blog name has proven to be accurate...

I fully intended to write today's post about coconut yoghurt... and I have DIGRESSED and DEVIATED into a post about sugar... diabeties... and coke.

Coconut yoghurt next time... promise xx
p.s. Nina the invitation to try some coconut yoghurt still stands :)


  1. Love your tangents - I too have changed my diet, just 'cos I am on my own and I have added way more vegetables and dropped a lot of carbs... but have slipped up a bit of late :-(. Well done, and continue the transition to health.

  2. I have days when I make little slips... but I figure if I do the 'good stuff' most of the time then an occasional slip isn't going to do too much damage.

  3. Welcome to the Dark Side! It sucks here! xx

    1. At least we're in it together :) There's no Punch without Judy as the saying goes LOL


Hi :) If you want to comment I'd love to hear from you.
Shelley xx