Sunday, 5 May 2019

It's all red carpets... crystal bowls... and tiara's around here!

Ok... there aren't actually any tiara's... but there is definitely a red carpet and a crystal bowl :)

On Thursday night I went to another Syd Workshop in Tauranga... this one was for making bath bombs, bath salts and face masks.

When Toby and I got up on Thursday morning it suddenly hit me that he was going to be at home... by himself... until I got back from Tauranga... which wouldn't be until around 9pm.  For those of you who know my boy... he just wouldn't cope with that at all.

So WE phoned Grandma and the call went something like this:

Toby: Hello Grandma... it's ME... Toby
Grandma: Oh Hello Toby
Toby: Do you like being COLD Grandma?
Grandma: No Toby, I do not like being cold
Toby: Do you like the DARK Grandma?
Grandma: Only if I have a torch Toby
Toby: But what if you DON'T have a torch Grandma?
Grandma: No Toby, I do not like the dark without a torch
Toby: Do you like having dinner LATE Grandma?
Grandma: No Toby, I do not like having dinner late
Toby: Great... so can I come to your house tonight while Mumma goes to her night class?
Lots of laughing
Grandma: Yes Toby, you can come to Grandma's house tonight

So after work I came home... picked up His Royal Highness and headed over to Grandma's house... only to find Grandma had laid out a red carpet for him:

He also had a crystal bowl supplied for his water:

Not to mention a Bird's Eye View of his Mumma heading off to class:

He is one spoiled young man!  Just as well we all love him to pieces :)

So now for the class... I headed down to 'Our Place' for my class and was greeted with a brown paper bag of goodies.  During the class I decided to see if I could get a bit of an arty shot of my jar and pencil... not too bad:

This was my first class on my own but I met some lovely people and ended up working with Georgia and Jackie (mother and daughter).  We had some real laughs during the evening.

Check out these amazing goodies I made during class. I wish you could SMELL through the computer because these bath products smell divine! 

First up we have the bath salts which contain dried flowers (camomile... cornflowers... and rose petals) as well as essential oils (Frankincense and Myrrh):

Next up is the face mask which you mix into a paste when you're ready to use it.  No flowers in this one but it does contain a little Geranium essential oil:

I saved the best for last... this is my bath bomb which contains dried flowers (rose buds, calendula and blue cornflowers) and essential oils (vanilla and frangipani):

I bet you're wondering what that glass beside the bath bomb is all about... right???  Well I decided that if you couldn't SMELL the bath bomb then I would SHOW you how well it fizzes!  So I made a tiny video... nothing fancy... just the video this time:

How cool is that???  I'm dying to let Doodlebug have a little bath bomb in her bath on Monday night when she comes for Family Dinner Night... she will LOVE it!

Speaking of Doodlebug... she came to visit Nana at school on Friday... which just happened to be sausage sizzle day... actually she usually comes to visit at lunchtime... she probably thinks school is all about eating and playing!

Have a great Sunday xx


  1. Wow Shell, that bath bomb certainly fizzed! What a wonderful workshop that must have been.
    I am so glad to hear Toby is so loved ;-).

  2. Toby is getting just a little above his station, lol.

    Making the bath bombs etc looks like fun..... bring on Smell-a-vision! xx

    1. Smell-a-vision would be awesome! I'm sure the Jetson's had something like that LOL


Hi :) If you want to comment I'd love to hear from you.
Shelley xx