Thursday, 26 May 2011

We have a new niece :)

Tautu and I had a pretty exciting time on the weekend as we became 'Aunt and Uncle' to a new little bundle of loveliness!

Tautu's sister has 3 boys and on Friday night her new little baby girl arrived :)  Her youngest is 9 so it's a bit of a shock going back to nappies and sleepless nights but Miss Sarah is making it all worth while!

Tautu and I went for a cuddle on Saturday morning... and then Uncle snuck back for some more cuddles during the weekend without Auntie!!!

Here's baby Sarah with Uncle Tautu… he’s completely smitten with her!IMG_2729

I had a huge amount of fun making a pink baby card:IMG_2710

And on Friday night I went to the Baby Factory and found these gorgeous pink goodies!!IMG_2709

Tautu has always been very protective of his little sister… and this photo says it all really:IMG_2743

As someone wise once said... Babies are such a nice way to start people!

1 comment:

  1. Lovely photos Shell Tautu's sister is very lucky to have such a caring big brother.What a cute wee girl Sarah is....


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Shelley xx