Sunday, 2 August 2015

Project Life: Week 29

I’ve got another update on Project Life… Week 29 which was July 13th to July 19th.  Here’s an overview of the week:FULL_1

Although Monday was the start of the new week it was also the end of Roxanne’s visit with us.  We were actually quite lucky to have had an extra few days thanks to the weather but she really did need to head back home.

Mike and I hadn’t been sure what to get Roxanne for her birthday and she wasn’t sure what she wanted either but when I took her and Krystal to Bayfair the previous week she spied a signet ring she liked and said that she used to have one but it had gone missing years ago. 

When we got to Te Puke we saw a jewellers and went in for a browse and Roxanne spotted the most gorgeous signet ring and she was really taken with it so we had it resized and engraved for her.  It only took them a couple of days to get it ready for us too!


The top of the ring has a ‘21’ on it and on the bottom of the heart we had ‘Love Dad’ engraved on it.  Roxanne was pretty thrilled with it.

After the bus left Mike got a call to say not to come into work for the day due to the weather so he got busy in the garage organising things.  He decided that my paper racks were taking up far too much space so he’s now tied them up to the ceiling and actually it has given us HEAPS more room!  p.s. if anyone is wanting to purchase any paper racks let me know!

After tidying up the garage Mike’s next project was to get a wood shed made to store all the wood he’s gathered from chopping the trees in the backyard down.  He decided that Danny would love to help him each night when they got home from a full days work… actually I don’t think Danny minded too much going on the conversations I overheard!

Here’s a close up of the start of the week:LEFT_1

We had to purchase a couple of posts for the new shed but Mike was determined to reuse and recycle as much as possible for his project.  Toby was quite keen on helping and doing ‘manly things’ with Danny and Mike but I suspect that was because he likes the fire so much.  In fact I strongly suspect that Toby thinks the fire is solely for his personal enjoyment.  So long as he’s warm and snuggly inside he’s a happy boy.

Speaking of warm and snuggly… we had an insulation man come to give us a quote this week.  There are so many more options available these days and we’ve been doing some research into possible insulation ideas so it was nice to have a professionals advice.

I also went back to the doctors this week as the headaches had continued and I still seemed to be super exhausted all the time.  In the end he decided that I might need a little more time off work so I’m taking the first week of the term off to try and recuperate.  My health has been a bit of a worry lately and Mum decided that she’d come over on Friday and spend some time with me.  When she arrived I was in full cleaning mode.  The bedrooms had all been spring cleaned, clean sheets on the bed and not a speck of dust in sight!  I’d also cleaned the toilet and bathroom to within an inch of it’s life and vacuumed the hallway.  I even managed to get the lounge finished as she was getting her stuff in from the car so we were totally ready to enjoy some time together.

Here’s a closer look at the rest of the week:RIGHT_1

Mum’s been teaching herself to do mixed-media art and she’s having some great results.  She brought over some stuff with her to get ideas for a canvas she wanted to create… actually she brought over just about EVERYTHING from her craft room I think!  Mum worked on her canvas at the dining table while I took over the family room to work on a special project for Mikayla’s 21st in October.

Of course we stopped for lunch and Mr Toby decided that he was quite partial to ‘sticky date loaf’ and was very keen to try it at every opportunity!  Thankfully we also took him for a lovely long walk that afternoon because he’s not looking quite as ‘sleek and slim’ as he used to!

On Saturday afternoon I made some fresh bread in the bread maker and then I made a seafood chowder for our dinner… complete with mussels in their shells.  It was definitely comfort food and we loved sitting in front of the fire together all talking about our day.

On Sunday morning Mum headed off home and Mike got stuck into the wood shed.  He took apart the old garden shed that was in the backyard and reused the aluminium for the new shed including using the door which looks super professional.  You have to take photos quickly around here because Mike works FAST!  One blink and you’ve missed it half the time!

I did manage to entice Mike inside for some lunch though… left over chowder and some freshly baked walnut and butterscotch muffins.  Toby was VERY keen to help Dad share his lunch and of course Mike gave in so it was a win-win situation for Toby!  And that was our week.

I hope you’ve all had a great weekend xx

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Shelley xx