Monday, 6 June 2016

No more PEACH toilet for me!

When I bought my house almost 10 years ago there were a couple of things I REALLY didn't like... one was the peach coloured toilet, vanity, bath & shower (everything was peach!) and the other was the MUSTARD colour on the walls in the laundry, kitchen, bathroom and toilet.  It looked a lot like this:

This photo taken back in 2007 doesn't really show how horrible the situation really was.  The walls look a lot lighter in the photo but trust me... they really were the mustard colour I just showed you!

In 2013 I decided that I really couldn't live with the mustard any longer so Mikayla and I removed all the painted wallpaper.  Notice that I included Mikayla in there as if to lesson my own culpability! Over the course of a few days we managed to remove all the wallpaper and it actually looked better with the plain walls.

I had excellent intentions of at least painting the walls but then I ended up moving to Gisborne and nothing got done.  Fast forward to May 2016 and we were still living with the peach toilet (and the vanity, bath and shower) and no wall paper or paint on the walls.

A couple of weeks ago Michael asked me to meet him at Bunnings (I was right to be suspicious that he was up to something!).  He said he wanted me to check out some paint colours... and while we were there he suggested I might like to make use of their toilet.  When I asked him why he said... "because we don't have one at home at the moment!"

It turns out he'd seen a $99 WHITE toilet in the Bunnings brochure and decided that he would do a toilet makeover.  He honestly does do projects on the spur of the moment... and they completely consume him while he's doing them... EVERY conversation leads back to his current project LOL

So this is what I came home to:

Not only had he removed the toilet but he'd decided to remove the floor tiles as well.  I actually didn't mind at all because I've never particularly liked the tiles. 

Michael quite likes doing a bit of demolition and it didn't take him long to get everything removed:

Next he laid down a new wooden floor made from some cool tongue and groove laminate flooring.  He'd never used this product before but he talked to the man at Bunnings and did a bit of Googling... and I have to say that I was pretty impressed with it.

Here's the finished floor with the toilet semi installed:

7 HOURS after he started the toilet was fully installed and operational!

Unlike me, Michael doesn't go onto a new project until the current project is fully done... which is actually a very good thing.  Over the next few days and ALL of the following weekend, Michael got busy sanding, prepping, priming, and painting.  Now the toilet looks like this:

AMAZING!!!  The ceiling, window surrounds and the trim are all painted white and the walls are a really soft grey.  My cane basket of toilet rolls goes perfectly with the new floor boards too!  We bought a new white toilet roll holder to go on the wall and the only thing left to do is find some white window latches to install.  The only ones we've found so far are ridiculously expensive.

Check out the difference (click on the photo to see a larger view):

I'm really thrilled with how it turned out... and now Michael has plans for doing a makeover in the bathroom as well... but first he's got another project on the go which involves MANY trips to Bunnings, a sledgehammer, some decking timber... and my clothesline! 

Happy Monday xx


  1. LOL - Only you would blog about the bog!!! In saying that (after I stop laughing) it looks fantastic! I got so used to it being the way it was, I simply stopped noticing. Well don Michael - 10 points for you, old son! xxx

  2. Wonderful transformation, especially the colours - I must admit that I saw my dunny looking a bit like yours when it was stripped out a few weeks ago when we had the throne replaced.

  3. Fabulous, although I did have visions of you cross legged for 7 hours! Cara x

    1. LOL there was more than one visit to public restrooms on that day :)

  4. That is quite the impressive make over - yeah Michael.


Hi :) If you want to comment I'd love to hear from you.
Shelley xx