Sunday, 12 January 2025

15:3:1 - Week 2 (Part A)

Today's post is about the 15:3:1 project

15 minutes per day - the journaling is still going really well.  It's the last thing I do at night and it really helps me reflect on the day... look for the positives (of which there are usually many) and do a bit of 'positive forecasting' for the day ahead.

3 hours on a Saturday morning doing something creative for myself - Thanks to the school holidays I actually did my creative project on Thursday this week... and I did spend more than 3 hours on it but boy was it worth it!  I WILL share this project next time but for now I want to focus on my '1'.

1 day per month 'Getting Lost'

Sooo... I bought the Getting Lost Photography edition HERE 

My intention was to spend a day... once a month... using the cards to direct me to take photos I wouldn't usually take. I decided that it would be a good idea to aim for mid-month because that way if it's pouring with rain I can always 'rain check' it for a week and hope for better weather. 

On Friday night I started really thinking about how this part of 15:3:1 might look and I woke up on Saturday morning with a fairly clear idea in my head.  Of course I had the usual things to do... walk my babies at the dog park and pick up my groceries... I have just started using Click and Collect and have to say that I'm a massive fan!  Not only is it stopping me from buying random stuff I don't need but it's also helping me stick to my budget. 

I got all that done by 9.30 and decided to head over to Tauranga for my first Getting Lost experience. I phoned Mum and asked her to join me and we had a great day taking photos... chatting... and just hanging out together. 

I took quite a few photos... and I used both my iPad and my Canon camera.  My verdict... the camera did a FANTASTIC job of all the macro, lighting, blurring backgrounds etc and the iPad did a great job of allowing me to get instant photos and not look suspicious in certain situations (like #9 today).

All up we completed 10 prompt cards today.  I've selected what I think are my best shots to share:

#1 Take a photo of a living thing (camera) - We met this little girl at Yatton Park with her Mum.  She was delightful and very happy to pose for the camera - especially when she was offered treats :)

#2 Stop, look behind you and take a shot (camera) - The park was officially dual named Tutarawānanga – Yatton Park in November 2021 following a request by tamariki from Merivale School. Following extensive research and consultation, the tamariki successfully presented to Council Commissioners requesting the change to recognise the history and cultural significance of the site.


#3 Take a photo from the perspective of a flower (iPad) - We had to back track a little to find some flowers but we were rewarded with some great shots. Alstroemerias are stunning flowers - maybe I should try and grow some where the puppies can't get them!

#4 Follow a bee and take a photo of it on a flower that it lands on (camera) - this is where the camera really came into it's own. I took several photos with my iPad and thought they were what I wanted.  Luckily I'd also taken some with my camera because the iPad photos were all a bit grainy from being zoomed in too much. The bee hadn't actually landed in this photo but he definitely did like those sunflowers.

#5 Get macro and portray the season you are in with just a leaf or flower (camera) - since we were already down by the sunflowers it made sense to take some super close ups... after all sunflowers definitely make me think of summer.

#6 Take the number of photos you've taken today, head north that many kms (iPad) - we definitely took creative licence with this one!  By this point we had taken 'quite a lot' of photos and we weren't interested in traveling that far so we decided it was better to take the number of photo prompts we had completed (5) and go that far which we guessed would be around Memorial Park.  Actually we 'guestimated' pretty well because according to Google it's 4.7km via Fraser St which is the way we went! p.s. not my car... it just looked good in the photo :)

#7 Take a photo upside down (you or the camera) (camera) - lots of these prompts are open to interpretation and my original photos (taken at Memorial Park) didn't make the final cut.  Instead... this photo... taken later in the day (down on the Strand after we had stopped for lunch) completely fits the prompt.

#8 Use camera blur to make something appear different to what your eye can see (camera) - this prompt reminded me that I need to get au fait with my camera settings again.  I attempted to take a few photos of a dandelion but they didn't work out the way I planned... but I really like this one.

#9 Drive until you see water and then stop and take a photo of the reflections (iPad) - by this time the sun was high overhead so reflections were a little tricky to come by. We headed down to the waterfront area and spotted some people fishing.  I caught a glimpse of some reflections but knew that taking photos with my camera was going to look super dodgy so out came the iPad and the photo was captured.

#10 Take 3 photos of the same thing with shadows or light changing how it looks (camera) - this prompt had us thinking we had to take our photos at different times to get the shadows happening so we walked up to the park and took a photo thinking we'd have lunch and come back.  After lunch we spotted another water feature and decided to take some photos of our own. Then we headed back to the original subject for this but there were so many people there we decided to abandon this prompt and just head home.  It wasn't until I got back to Rotorua that I realised taking photos from different angles gives different shadows and light which completely changes how something looks... so my water feature photos fitted the prompt perfectly.

So there is it... my first month of 'Getting Lost' completed.  None of the photos have been edited in Photoshop etc... I just want this to be a fun 'take it as it is' project.

I'm definitely thinking I will turn the photos into a coffee table book at the end of the year so I've gone ahead and made a January title page with the city on it... then I can choose different locations for each month and really turn this project into a bit of an adventure.

I'm really pleased with my January efforts :)

1 comment:

  1. Wow, what a wonderful day Shelley - made even better by being able to share it with your Mum!
    Some wonderful photos there - well done!


Hi :) If you want to comment I'd love to hear from you.
Shelley xx