Thursday, 23 January 2025

Sometimes creativity can be frustrating!

aka Week 3 update of 15:3:1

On Saturday I decided that my 3 hour creative outlet would be making sprinkles to use on my cupcakes and cookies.  I'd seen the idea on various Tik Tok and YouTube tutorials and it looked pretty 'easy'.

I decided to 3D print my own sprinkle templates and thought I'd start off with a bunny... thinking ahead to Easter of course... you can never be too well planned (I think I heard that somewhere random).

First things first.. print a template - CHECK

3D print sprinkle stencil

#2 Make some royal icing - CHECK

#3 Spread royal icing over the sprinkle stencil - CHECK

Mint green bunnies for Easter sprinkles

#4 Lift sprinkle stencil off and reveal beautiful bunny sprinkles... ahhh NOPE!

Those don't look like bunnies!

Try again... thicken up the royal icing a bit and give it another go - CHECK

Thicker royal icing

Lift sprinkle stencil off and reveal beautiful bunny sprinkles... ahhh NOPE... again!

Better... but still not very bunny like

Damn... blast... and bother!!!

I decided that maybe my stencil was the issue... so I bought a 3D print file from someone else who had demonstrated their work.

Back to the 3D printer - four leaf clovers this time!

 Try to get the royal icing consistency exactly like what it looked like in the tutorial - CHECK

Not what I'd call a success!

So after all that I was feeling quite defeated with sprinkle making. To be honest, I don't think Royal Icing and I are ever going to be friends!  I've tried it several times before and never felt like it was my thing... and I think I'll stick to that for the time being.

By this stage I needed to make 'something' so that I felt like I'd had some crafting time.  So out came the fondant... fondant and I are definitely friends... and some pretty Easter colours... and some fondant moulds.... and this happened:

Lemon, Lavender and Blue Bell

Not sprinkles... but it worked!

A couple more Easter colours

A few more flowers

And then I had an idea... what if I made a bunny CUTTER.... a small bunny cutter.... maybe a multi bunny cutter?  I went back to my designing programme... and back to the 3D printer... and gave it a go.

I came up with a little cutter that did six bunnies at a time... each one about the right size for a cupcake sprinkle.

I rolled out some of my pretty fondant and gave it a go.

That doesn't look too bad

Holy cow!!  That worked perfectly... and before I knew it I had lots and lots of bunnies!  In fact I had 106 bunnies within just a couple of minutes!

Bunny sprinkles!

Hmm... so thinking about Easter... what if I did some carrot sprinkles as well?  I went back to my design programme... made another 3D printed cutter... and success!!

Carrot and bunny sprinkles

Ever heard the saying... quit while you're ahead?

I wish I'd decided to do that... but instead I thought... I'll just quickly get changed before I took my fur babies for a walk in the forest... 

... and Zara thought... I'll just help myself to some of Mumma's bunnies while she's not looking!

Zara LOVES fondant!

I'd not only forgotten that Zara LOVES fondant... but that Zara has grown quite a bit and can now reach her paws... and clearly also her tongue... a lot further than I had realised!

I went from having 106 bunnies to having less than 50!

Did Zara look guilty when I came back from getting changed??? 

NO she did not! 

I did tell her that she might not need dinner that night because she was 'full of bunnies'... to which she just looked at me and went off to play!

Regardless, I've worked out how to make my own sprinkles so you will probably see more of them in future posts :)

Thanks for stopping by!

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Shelley xx